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In this vignette, we demonstrate how to use TransportHealth for interpolated g-computation, a transportability analysis method based on network meta-interpolation (Harari et al. 2022) for use when only aggregate data is available for the original study sample.

Brief introduction to interpolated g-computation

In transportability and generalizability analysis, interpolated g-computation proceeds in largely the same way as network meta-interpolation. First, a model of the treatment effect is fitted in terms of dichotomized effect modifiers. Missing effect modifier information is imputed using the best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) in terms of observed effect modifier information. Then, an estimate of the treatment effect in the target population is calculated with the fitted model using the summary information of effect modifiers in the target sample.


Suppose we are interested in estimating the causal effect of a medication on systolic blood pressure in a target population, but we were only able to conduct a randomized clinical trial using samples from the a different population.

We know that the effectiveness of the medication depends on two effect modifiers: 1) stress level, and 2) whether patients are taking another medication.

Coded variables:

  • Medication - med1

    • 1 for treated
    • 0 for untreated
  • Systolic blood pressure (SBP) - sysBloodPressure (continuous)

  • Sex - sex

    • 1 for male
    • 0 for female
  • Body fat percentage - percentBodyFat (continuous)

  • Stress level - stress

    • 1 for stressed
    • 0 for normal
  • Medication 2 - med2

    • 1 for treated
    • 0 for untreated


First, for the implementation of interpolated g-computation in TransportHealth specifically, the study data should be aggregate-level. In particular, effect modifiers should be dichotomized. For this case study, body fat percentage has been dichotomized with 17% as the threshold. For clarity, we assume that dichotomized variables are coded as 0-1 with 0 being the baseline. The aggregate-level study data should have:

  • The estimated treatment effect and its estimated standard error
  • The estimated subgroup treatment effect within both (marginal) levels of each effect modifier and its estimated standard error
  • Proportion of 1s for each effect modifier in the study sample (summary study data)
  • The sample size of the original study

The subgroup treatment effects, standard errors and summary study data should be provided in a vector in the same order. Subgroup effects and standard errors corresponding to the levels of the same effect modifier should be next to each other with the subgroup effect of the 1-level placed first. Also, provide a vector which specifies the order in which the subgroup treatment effects and summary study data are provided. In our study, the aggregate-level study data is formatted as follows.

print("Treatment effect:")
#> [1] "Treatment effect:"
#> [1] -2.696947
print("Standard error of treatment effect:")
#> [1] "Standard error of treatment effect:"
#> [1] 0.2928444
print("Effect modifier names:")
#> [1] "Effect modifier names:"
#> [1] "med2"                "percentBodyFatDicho"
print("Subgroup effects:")
#> [1] "Subgroup effects:"
#> [1] -7.694596 -2.031682 -3.271305 -1.845090
print("Standard errors of subgroup effects:")
#> [1] "Standard errors of subgroup effects:"
#> [1] 0.2921420 0.2814103 0.2854720 0.2969290
print("Summary study data:")
#> [1] "Summary study data:"
#>                med2 percentBodyFatDicho 
#>               0.108               0.558
print("Sample size:")
#> [1] "Sample size:"
#> [1] 1000

Since testData$effectModifiers is c(med2, percentBodyFatDicho), the subgroup effects provided in the testData$subgroupTreatmentEffects are, in order, those corresponding to the 1 group and the 0 group of med2, and then those corresponding to the 1 group and 0 group of percentBodyFatDicho. This ordering is the same for testData$subgroupSEs. Likewise, testData$aggregateStudyData provides proportions of 1s for med2 and percentBodyFatDicho, in this order. The ordering is important for the modelling function to process the data correctly.

On the other hand, the target data may be individual patient-level data or aggregate data. For the former, effect modifiers should still be dichotomized in the target data. For the latter, provide the proportion of 1s for each dichotomized effect modifier, along with the sample size, in a named vector; the ordering does not matter as long as the vector is named appropriately. It is important that effect modifiers are dichotomized the same way in both the study and the target data. You may optionally provide a correlation (not variance) matrix of the dichotomized effect modifiers. If a correlation matrix is not provided, the correlation matrix is calculated from the target data when individual patient-level data is provided, and an independent correlation structure is assumed when aggregate data is provided. In this example, the target data is formatted as follows.

print("Target data:")
#> [1] "Target data:"
#>   sex stress med2 percentBodyFat percentBodyFatDicho    n
#> 1   0      1    0       26.12896                   1 1500
#> 2   1      1    0       12.04972                   0 1500
#> 3   1      1    0       12.55972                   0 1500
#> 4   0      0    1       27.07130                   1 1500
#> 5   1      1    0       11.85846                   0 1500
#> 6   0      1    0       27.64520                   1 1500

We can now perform transportability analysis using interpolated g-computation with the transportInterpolated function.

                      corrStructure = NULL,

Arguments for the transportInterpolated functions

The transportInterpolated function requires the following arguments:

  • link: The link function of the outcome in terms of the treatment used in the source study. If mean differences are provided, use "identity". If odds ratios or hazard ratios are provided, use "log".

  • effectModifiers: Vector of names of effect modifiers to adjust for

  • mainTreatmentEffect, mainSE: The estimated treatment effect in the original study and its estimated standard error

  • subgroupTreatmentEffects, subgroupSEs: The vector of estimated subgroup treatment effects for each (marginal) level of each effect modifier and their estimated standard errors, formatted as specified above

  • corrStructure: The correlation matrix of effect modifiers. This is optional to provide if IPD target data is provided, and defaults to an independent structure if aggregate-level target data is provided.

  • studySampleSize: Sample size of original study data

  • aggregateStudyData: Summary data of original study data

  • targetData: IPD or aggregate-level target data.

Specification of transportability analysis

Recall that: - sysBloodPressure is the response

  • med1 is the treatment

  • med2 (other medication) and stress are effect modifiers of interest.

We supply arguments to the transportInterpolated function as follows. As sysBloodPressure is a continuous outcome, the effect estimates are mean differences, so link = "identity" will be used.

result <- transportInterpolated(link = "identity",
                                effectModifiers = testData$effectModifiers,
                                mainTreatmentEffect = testData$mainTreatmentEffect,
                                mainSE = testData$mainSE,
                                subgroupTreatmentEffects = testData$subgroupTreatmentEffects,
                                subgroupSEs = testData$subgroupSEs,
                                studySampleSize = testData$nStudy,
                                aggregateStudyData = testData$aggregateStudyData,
                                targetData = testData$targetData)

Producing statistical results

To show the results of the analysis, use summary like you would for lm when fitting a linear model. Using summary will print out the transported effect estimate and its estimated standard error, the link function, and summaries of the data provided to the function. Note that scientific conclusions should only be drawn from this output.

#> Transported ATE: -3.95921451963891
#> Standard error: 0.304971797066218
#> Link function: identity
#> Source study treatment effect: -2.69694717565351
#> Source study standard error: 0.29284438183309
#> Subgroup source treatment effects: 
#>        effectModifier subgroup    effect        se
#> 1                med2        1 -7.694596 0.2921420
#> 2                med2        0 -2.031682 0.2814103
#> 3 percentBodyFatDicho        1 -3.271305 0.2854720
#> 4 percentBodyFatDicho        0 -1.845090 0.2969290
#> Source data summary: 
#>                med2 percentBodyFatDicho 
#>               0.108               0.558 
#> Target data summary: 
#>                med2 percentBodyFatDicho 
#>               0.303               0.709

We have found via simulation that interpolated g-computation tends to perform less well when the degree of effect modification is larger than the main treatment effect, so conclusions from transportInterpolated in such situations should be made with caution. The magnitude of effect modification can be informally evaluated by looking at forest plots of the original study from which the treatment effects are retrieved, or by looking at the summary output of transportInterpolated. More specifically, the output contains the subgroup effects provided by the user. Using either method, one should compare the difference in subgroup effects between levels of the same effect modifier with the magnitude of the main treatment effect to evaluate whether the interaction effect is larger than the main effect.

To obtain a coefficient plot of estimates, use the plot function.


Like other methods supported by TransportHealth, the validity of interpolated g-computation depends on untestable causal inference assumptions, including stable unit treatment value (SUTVA), conditional exchangeability, positivity and consistency (Ling et al. 2023; Degtiar and Rose 2023). However, interpolated g-computation does not have readily available diagnostics to evaluate if these assumptions are likely to hold or not. Due to the limited amount of information from the original study, causal inference assumptions should be evaluated using contextual knowledge about study design.

Additionally, it is expected that interpolated g-computation will perform less well than inverse odds of participation weights and g-computation, as a lot of information is lost when only aggregate-level data is available for the original study data. As a result, we suggest that only one effect modifier is adjusted for when using interpolated g-computation.


Degtiar, I, and S Rose. 2023. “A Review of Generalizability and Transportability.” Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 10: 501–24.
Harari, O, M Soltanifar, JC Cappelleri, A Verhoek, M Ouwens, C Daly, and B Heeg. 2022. “Network Meta-Interpolation: Effect Modification Adjustment in Network Meta-Analysis Using Subgroup Analyses.” Research Synthesis Methods 14: 211–33.
Ling, AY, R Jreich, ME Montez-Rath, P Carita, KJ Chandross, L Lucats, Z Meng, B Sebastien, K Kappahn, and M Desai. 2023. “An Overview of Current Methods for Real-World Applications to Generalize or Transport Clinical Trial Findings to Target Populations of Interest.” Epidemiology 34: 627–36.