Example datasets for transportability analysis
A pair of example datasets that represent a use case for transportability analysis.
Two data frames representing data from an RCT on the effects of an antihypertensive medication on blood pressure (studyData
; 1000 rows) and data from an observational study (targetData
; 1500 rows). The variables are:
- sysBloodPressure
Systolic blood pressure of patient
- med1
0-1 indicator for uptake of antihypertensive medication vs. placebo
- sex
Sex of patient
- percentBodyFat
Percentage body fat of patient
- stress
0-1 indicator for whether patient is generally highly stressed
- med2
0-1 indicator for uptake of another medication that potentially has interaction with the antihypertensive medication
An object of class data.frame
with 1500 rows and 4 columns.