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Returns summary object which contains a summary of the fitted MSM as well as pre- and post-weighting standardized mean differences (SMDs).


# S3 method for class 'transportIP'
summary(object, covariates = NULL, effectModifiers = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'summary.transportIP'
print(x, out = stdout(), ...)



Result from transportIP function


Vector of strings indicating names of covariates in propensity model


Vector of strings indicating names of effect modifiers in participation model


Further arguments from previous function or to pass to next function


summary.transportIP object.


Output stream.


The summary.transportIP function returns a summary.transportIP object containing the following components:

  • propensitySMD: Table of unweighted and weighted SMDs of covariates between treatment groups. Only propensity weights are used.

  • participationSMD: Table of unweighted and weighted SMDs of effect modifiers between study data and target data. Only participation weights are used.

  • msmSummary: Summary object of model object for MSM. The correct variance estimators are set here for glm, whereas they are set in transportIP for survreg and coxph.