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Returns summary object which contains the transported effect estimate, organizes subgroup effect estimates into a data frame and produces summary statistics of effect modifiers in the target data, if not already provided.


# S3 method for class 'transportInterpolated'
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'summary.transportInterpolated'
print(x, out = stdout(), ...)



Result from transportInterpolated function


Further arguments from previous function or to pass to next function


summary.transportInterpolated object


Output stream


Returns a summary.transportInterpolated object containing the following components:

  • effect, link, mainTreatmentEffect and mainSE as in the transportInterpolated object

  • se: Estimated standard error of the effect estimate

  • subgroupEffects: Subgroup effect estimates and their estimated standard errors in the original study, organized into a data frame with specific effect modifier and subgroup information

  • aggregateStudyData: Summary statistics of effect modifiers in study data

  • aggregateTargetData: Summary statistics of effect modifiers in target data